Family Vacation

Soomaa is a strong and diverse destination for families.

Here, there is time and space to wander in nature, gain new knowledge in exciting museums, explore a tracking guide in the forest, participate in workshops, and get to know even peacocks and alpacas up close. Have you, for example, played stone dominos or baked pizza with children? Petted goats or made lemonade yourself? Soomaa is full of surprises, come and be a part of it!

Most importantly - spend time together with your family, doing something fun together and discovering a piece of Estonia.

How to get children away from screens? Come to Soomaa, immerse yourself in nature!



Tori Museum

History & Culture, Museums & Galleries, Optional
Soomaa Turism MTÜ ühendab Soomaa turismipiirkonnas tegutsevaid ettevõtteid.

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