Adventure tour in Central Estonia

Looking for exciting outdoor activities during your vacation? Central Estonia has great attractions just for you!
Packed with adrenaline, Türi Adventure Park has five trails, a barrel ride, and a watchtower. Põltsamaa WPark offers adventures on water and there is also a water town. Tipu Nature School takes you to magical Soomaa – here, you can get acquainted with the animal family and enjoy nature on the hiking trail (3 km).
Bring your family or friends and come on an adventure!
The tour is intended for travelling on your own.
Follow the opening hours and price lists of the objects on the websites.

Olustvere and Suure-Jaani are of great interest for both culture and nature enthusiasts. The tour can be taken either by car or by bike.
The lovely Orion observatory is located near the beautiful Olustvere manor complex. On the way to Suure-Jaani, you will see the ancient stronghold of Estonians – the Lõhavere site of an ancient settlement, where the famous fortress of Lembitu was located. Suure-Jaani itself is known for a beautiful lake and the fact that its heart lies in music. Composers from the Kapp family and Mart Saar, well-known for choir music enthusiasts, are from here.
The highlight of the Suure-Jaani music festival dedicated to the Kapp family is the sunrise concert taking place in a bog.

Soomaa National Park between Viljandi and Pärnu is known for its primeval swamps, skiffs made of a single tree trunk, or haabjas, and unique suspension bridges. Spring floods are jokingly called the fifth season.

There are five large wetlands in Soomaa, also known as the capital of Estonian primeval nature. On the banks of the meandering rivers, you will find diverse river flood-meadows and wooded meadows. Additionally, you will also find exciting hiking trails, observation towers, and gorgeous sunrises or sunsets.

Below you will find recommendations that are definitely worth visiting on the day tour!
Come, discover, and enjoy the beauty of nature!

On the bicycle tour, you will see beautiful architecture and get to know the roots of the Estonian people while cycling on tracks along the beautiful nature.

On the bank of River Pärnu, you will find the Pulli settlement, which is known to be the oldest settlement in Estonia. In the center of Tori, you will find the oldest studfarm in Estonia, a manor complex, and the Estonian Soldiers' Memorial Church. Additionally, you will find a mysterious cave – Tori Hell!
The biggest magnet of the tour is naturally Soomaa National Park, which attracts visitors with its diverse nature, various hiking trails, and a cosy visitors centre.

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