This adventurous day in Soomaa National Park is a combination of a bog-shoe hike and canoeing.
An experienced guide leads you through the forest to Estonia's biggest bog –Kuresoo. A pair of special bog-shoes will help you in crossing parts of the bog you would otherwise be unable to, offering an unforgettable experience. The bog-shoes keep your head above water and protect the landscape at the same time! After a lunch in the great outdoors, we continue on with a relaxing canoe trip along the national park's rivers.
Everyone who heads out on one of these hikes in Soomaa National Park is given a pair of bog shoes and will be led by a local guide, who will provide instructions and tell interesting stories about the area. You will get to experience the thrill of walking in places that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Interesting to know: bog shoes have been around for a long time – they were first used by our ancestors for moving around in the bogs.
The hikes last from 2 to 5 hours. The price depends on the size of the group.
NB! We do not organise hikes during the period in spring when birds are nesting.
Every Estonian loves cranberries. A local nature guide will introduce the wonderful bogs with numerous bog pools, soft hollows, and secret streams. We will give each participant snowshoes, which will make moving in the bogs easier.
Fun fact: Estonians use cranberries to make juice and as a cure for diseases. The first cultivated cranberries were grown in Estonia, one of the varieties is named ‘Kuresoo’ (Crane Bog).