
Things to do in the autumn

Autumn colour palette that appears across the natural landscapes of Soomaa is rich and vibrant.

Snowshoeing trips in the bogs are most popular in the autumn when the wetlands shows their subtle colours.

With its abundance of rivers, Soomaa offers excellent and diverse opportunities for canoeing. Before the cold sets in and the rivers freeze over, it's a great opportunity to enjoy the autumn colors as well as the tranquility of Soomaa's peaceful rivers. Take as much time as you please and choose the length of your route accordingly. During a canoe trip, you can take breaks to stretch your legs and absorb the rhythm of nature. With any luck, you may encounter animals during your hike.

Autumn is the favourite season of all foragers. In Soomaa, it comes with a special twist - how about going canoeing to pick cranberries or snowshoeing to the locals' favourite mushroom spot? The guides of will lead the way.
Autumn is the time of harvest also in vegetable gardens and on the fields. It is at this time of year that Klaara-Manni's local food workshop sets the richest table.

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