The best way to make the most of the white summer nights is to go hiking! Night canoe trip is an exotic way of spending warm summer nights. Things look different in the dark, and sometimes we can't see everything, but only hear it - or imagine it! Night trips are led by experienced local tour guides and the trip takes place on a calm Raudna River (3 hours). The trip takes us to beaver habitat and if we are lucky we might get a chance to observe beavers in their natural environment. The language of the trip is English!
NB! Transfers from Pärnu are also available for an extra fee.
Everyone who heads out on one of these hikes in Soomaa National Park is given a pair of bog shoes and will be led by a local guide, who will provide instructions and tell interesting stories about the area. You will get to experience the thrill of walking in places that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Interesting to know: bog shoes have been around for a long time – they were first used by our ancestors for moving around in the bogs.
The hikes last from 2 to 5 hours. The price depends on the size of the group.
NB! We do not organise hikes during the period in spring when birds are nesting.
Every Estonian loves cranberries. A local nature guide will introduce the wonderful bogs with numerous bog pools, soft hollows, and secret streams. We will give each participant snowshoes, which will make moving in the bogs easier.
Fun fact: Estonians use cranberries to make juice and as a cure for diseases. The first cultivated cranberries were grown in Estonia, one of the varieties is named ‘Kuresoo’ (Crane Bog).