Levikivi Craft Shop

Imperishable beauty, unique appearance, durable for centuries - Estonian natural stone is enhanced at Levikivi. We cooperate with architects and builders, sculptors and engravers. We design natural stone products for indoor and outdoor use.You can buy various hand-made natural stone products in the Levikivi Craft Shop. Special orders are also possible. In addition to our own products, there are also other local handicrafts, preserves and organic products for sale. The prices in our store are not set in stone. 

Visitors to Soomaa National Park can find information brochures and maps from us, take a coffee break and rest their feet.

We are usually here, but just to be sure, we kindly ask you to call ahead.

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Free parking
  • WC
Soomaa Turism MTÜ ühendab Soomaa turismipiirkonnas tegutsevaid ettevõtteid.

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