Guided tour of the Tori Horse Breeding Farm and Museum

The oldest horse farm in Estonia, founded in 1856, is located in Tori, where Estonian and Tori horses are raised and bred to this day. In 2021, a museum with the exhibition "Tori's Attic" was opened in the renovated stables.

During the tour we will visit the museum, where we will get an overview of the history of horse breeding and the life of the locals, spiced with mystical events throughout the centuries. We then take a look at the horse stable and get to know the horses while taking a walk around the grounds.

  • Russian
  • German
  • Estonian
  • Minimum number of participants: 10
  • Maximum number of participants: 25
  • Duration (hours): 2
  • Group size: 25
  • On foot
Soomaa Turism MTÜ ühendab Soomaa turismipiirkonnas tegutsevaid ettevõtteid.

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